Tanagokoro Pharmacy will stare into the origin of life and put in the palm (Tanagokoro) the wisdom that makes useof it in our lives.
…kitchen ファーマシスト(台所薬剤師)は、暮らしの原点を見つめ、暮らしに活かす智慧を、手のひら(たなごころ)に込めてまいります。…
kitchen pharmacist will stare into the origin of life
and put in the palm (tanagokoro) the wisdom that makes use of it in our lives.
“キッチンファーマシスト”とは kitpha協会独自の呼名です
ojas life since 2011-10-17/copyright 2011-2-17 キッチンファーマシスト協会 all right reserved
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